A recent viral photo circulating on social media has been misinterpreted and falsely claimed to depict the visit of Puri Shankaracharya Swami Shri Nischalananda Saraswati Ji and Jyotir Math Shankaracharya Swami Shri Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati Ji to a masjid. But in reality, the photo captures a place associated with Baba Ramdev, a Hindu Rajput king from the 14th century who is revered for his social service. This fact check aims to debunk the misinformation spread by various right-wing Twitter handles including Jaipur Dialogues. Claim: The viral photo circulating on social media depicts the visit of Shankaracharya Swamis to a mosque, thereby…
Author: Sagar Singh Bisht
A recent survey poll, conducted by World of Statistics on Twitter, has shed light on the global perception of political leaders. The survey revealed that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is widely respected internationally, garnering an impressive 39% of the votes. In comparison, Russian President Vladimir Putin received 38%, US President Joe Biden received 8%, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy received 14%. Narendra Modi has been an influential figure on the international stage. Through his charismatic personality and effective governance, he has managed to gain respect and admiration from people across various nations. His proactive approach toward international diplomacy, foreign…
Recently, a claim made by Sandeep Deo, founder editor of indiaspeaksdaily, has gone viral on social media. Deo alleged that the “Organizer” magazine, associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), stated that the Vedas allow the consumption of beef. However, a thorough fact-check of the original article reveals that these claims are completely inaccurate. The RSS, a Hindu organization, has long advocated for a ban on cow slaughter due to the religious significance attributed to cows in Hinduism. RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has consistently called for a nationwide ban on cow slaughter. The viral claim, propagated by Sandeep Deo, was…
In a recent alarming incident in Purola, Uttarakhand, a Hindu minor girl was abducted by individuals belonging to the Muslim community. This occurrence has garnered significant attention and sparked intense discussions among the local Hindu community. It is believed to be a case of Love Jihad, raising concerns about the infiltration of Islamic terrorism in the region. As a result, protests have emerged, with demonstrators demanding the expulsion of criminal elements who engage in Islamic propaganda. This article aims to delve into the incident and shed light on the perceived threat of Islamic terrorism in Uttarakhand. Incident Details: On May…
Currently, Suhani Shah is appearing on national channels. The channels introduce her as a mind reader. The anchors of the show ask her to “read” minds of someone. And lo! the glib talking Suhani does it. Many are just foxed at her feat. Let us try to understand her modus operandi. Predection on Slate Mind reader Suhani Shah performed several tricks with the audience in a show of ABP News. She wrote some prediction on a blank slate. These predictions are found to be correct and the audience was shocked to see these “miracles”. How did that happen Suhani Shah…
It’s Christmas time. And it has spread all over the world. The spectacle of Hindu parents adorning their kids with Santa cap is rising. They think it is cool and funny. Moreover, it gives them a chance to display their “secular” credentials. If you ask them basic questions about this festival, most of them know almost nothing. Had they know the story or violent history behind this “jovial” festival, they might have behaved differently. But then, what are these questions? And what are their answers? Is it Birthday of Jesus Christ? What or Who is Santa Claus? Is he a…
Spitting is considered a repulsive activity and unhealthy behaviour. Especially publicly. Particularly in the Post-Covid period, spit can also be a vector for the transmission of pathogens. Moving a step further, spitting on another person is a universal expression of hatred and disrespect. It represents an intentional act of humiliating someone. However, In Islam, spitting has a distinct connotation. Significance of Spitting in Islam In Islam, spitting has an unusual purpose, most notably to ward off the ‘Satan’ or ‘Evil Spirits.’ There are numerous reports from the life of Muhammad, the founder of Mohammedanism. Narrated Abu Qatada: The Prophet said,…
If you were born in Indian sub-continent, you must be familiar with the word Aurat. It is used as a pronoun to address a woman. Next time you use this term, think again. Aurat (Awrat) is a derogatory word originating from Arabic and Persian, which means Woman’s genitals or private parts. Etymological origins of word Aurat (Awrat) The term ‘awrah or ‘awrat (عورة) has its roots in Arabic and/or Persian. It literally means “vagina” or “female genitalia”. Meaning of Aurat (Awrat) ArabicEnglishaurat /awrat (عورة)vagina, genitals, nudity, defectiveness, deficiency, imperfection, pudendum, weakness, weak spot What is Aurat in Islam In Islam…