Recently, a claim made by Sandeep Deo, founder editor of indiaspeaksdaily, has gone viral on social media. Deo alleged that the “Organizer” magazine, associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), stated that the Vedas allow the consumption of beef. However, a thorough fact-check of the original article reveals that these claims are completely inaccurate.
The RSS, a Hindu organization, has long advocated for a ban on cow slaughter due to the religious significance attributed to cows in Hinduism. RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has consistently called for a nationwide ban on cow slaughter.
The viral claim, propagated by Sandeep Deo, was based on a screenshot of the Patrika article published on Twitter. However, after examining Organiser’s original article, dating back to 2015, we can confidently state that these claims are false and misleading. Nowhere in the article did “Organizer” magazine assert that the Vedas permit the consumption of beef.
To understand the context of the article, it is important to note that the author referred to a controversy surrounding the claim of beef consumption being allowed in the Vedas. The author quoted renowned Sanskrit scholar Dr. S.B. Varnikar, who emphasized that even the slaughter of cows and bulls should be considered unacceptable. This clearly indicates that the article was discussing the controversy rather than supporting the claim of beef consumption in the Vedas.

Furthermore, the article highlights the significance of cows in the Vedas by referencing the term “aghnya,” which translates to “that which is not fit to be killed.” Additionally, the Rigveda, a sacred Hindu text, explicitly prohibits the killing of cows and reveres them as deities in multiple hymns.

In addition, the article criticizes the British for their alleged meddling with Hindu religious beliefs in 1857. It suggests that the British attempted to disrespect the Vedas and cows by fabricating evidence of beef consumption, with the intention of mocking Hindus.

The article also provides a religious and scientific perspective on the importance of avoiding beef consumption. It outlines the adverse effects associated with consuming beef.
To clarify the “Organizer” magazine’s stance on beef consumption, an opinion report was obtained, clearly stating that the magazine is firmly against it.
The claim made by Sandeep Deo that the “Organizer” magazine, affiliated with the RSS, supports the consumption of beef according to the Vedas is completely baseless. The article thoroughly debunks this misconception, emphasizing the sanctity of cows in Hinduism and refuting false claims about the Vedas.