At last, Indian famous personalities have started standing up for Iranian women. Geeta Mohan of India Today has set the trend.
On her live show, being aired on October 8, Geeta Mohan cut a lock of her hair. She was following the global trend of raising voice against Hijab. She joins the sorority club of artists, journalists and celebrities standing in solidarity with Iranian women.
Geeta Mohan has salvaged some pride for Indian feminists. Her act deserves all praise because most of the alleged feminists have buckled under pressure from Islamists. They have kept silent regarding this global movement.
Exactly a week ago, bollywood failed to support Iranian actress Mandana Karimi. Consequently, she had to stand alone in Mumbai to show her support for her sisters in Iran.
The Islamic regime of Iran has made it compulsory for Muslim, as well as, Non-Muslim momen to wear Hijab. Iranian regime draws its inspiration from Quranic injunctions.
Islamists claim that Quran is a “holy” book which was revealed to a person called Muhammad in seventh century Arabia. And, the Quranic god called Allah wants all women to cover themselves from head to toe.
Islamist women have disgraced India
Geeta Mohan’s brave act deserves more praise considering the Hijab row in India. Radical Islamist women, supported by the notorious PFI (now banned by government of India) are creating tantrums to wear Hijab.
Thankfully, the government of Karnataka did not bend to the Islamists and banned Hijab in educational institutes. But, the Islamist lobby is trying to push this medieval practice down the throats of girls in India.
Women have been raising voice against the diktats of wearing Hijab. Geeta Mohan joins the ranks of other brave women like Heena Sandhu and Dorsa Derakhshani by her act.
With a look of steely resolve on her face, she said:-
I say stand up now. It is now or never.I today stand up in solidarity with all these women and the fight for freedom. To women, life, freedom. Goodbye, take care.
Kudos to Geeta Mohan. Way to go girl. May your tribe grow.